Thursday, January 30, 2014

300: Rise of an Empire Trailers

Epic Sequel in the Making

Time for my first review!  I thought of starting with a movie, but I'm too excited to watch a whole one right now to review and want to share my thoughts on the 3 trailers that are out for 300: Rise of an Empire.  If you weren't living under a rock a few years ago, you would have seen 300.  Yes, there were criticisms of using too much slo-mo and historical inaccuracy, but in the end it was just a great movie.  It was visually striking, action packed, and of course had a wonderful and powerful story. You were so pumped after, you wanted to go right to the gym and get started on the Spartan body to get those abs. You then failed, but hey, at least we tried.  If you haven't seen it, go watch it right now.   I'll wait....   well go on!  


When I first saw a new 300 was coming out I though to myself, "But didn't they all die in the end?"

Here's the first trailer that was released:

Lena Heady returns as Gorgo and there are some new, totally ripped Spartans (damn those abs...), but Eva Green looks incredible.  Her character, Artemisia, looks absolutely chilling. Random thought: At about the 1:00 mark a Spartan jumps off a cliff onto a Persian boat.  While on the way down, his kilt/skirt/thing flies up.  

Not sure if they had underwear back then, but I think the last thing that Persian saw before being brutally killed by a Ninja-Greek was his Loukininko. (Google it if you can't guess.) 
Anyway,  On to the next!  

If the first one didn't make you really want to see more of Eva Green, maybe this one did.  In this trailer we see more of her character.  Does it look like she's behind creating the god-king persona for Xerxes to rally the Persian Army against the Greeks?  I kind of get the impression we will see some flash backs to before the first movie and see how this all got started.  Either way, she looks like a total bad-ass.
3rd trailer already?  Alright then:

Frankly, I like the second trailer the best.  The third has a lot of the same things, but doesn't quite do it for me like the second one.  One part I really liked about it, tho, was the change in music at the halfway mark.  Mixing in War Pigs kind of fits perfectly. Makes me want to play Guitar Hero (or is it Rock Band? No one cares, it's one of them). Am I the only one who noticed that it looks like Eva Green and Themistocles get it on at one point?  That should be an interesting plot point, but it looks like a bad breakup towards the end.

So, ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED? Really, if after watching those you don't at least have a half-chub you don't have a pulse. I can't wait for this movie to come out.  I was originally skeptical about another 300, but if it's possible this looks to be more epic than the first one.  And again, Eva Green might be poised to steal the show from what we can see of her character here.

First Post! Why are we here?

Welcome to Geek Seats!  

This is my first post so I want to kind of explain what I'm doing here.  I'm sick of reading critic reviews that praise or trash a movie only to have the complete opposite experience when I finally see it myself.  People seem to have lost focus that while Film is indeed an art, it is so much more.  The best movies I see are ones that suck me in and immerse me in the story.  Others make me think, pick me up, or can completely tear me down.

I see a lot of movies (Yay, matinee pricing!), watch a lot of TV Shows (Couldn't live without DVR and HULU), and try to keep up with as many trailers as possible.  A good trailer will get me really excited about some upcoming movies, show me some lesser-known titles I should check out, and and keep me away from some real terrible movies.  And believe me, I will let you know when a movie is Trailer Trashed, meaning all the good parts were already in the trailer and it wasn't worth the watch.

My goal here is to provide an every-man review of things I watch.  Does that mean that everyone is going to agree with my review?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!  Different things strike different people in different ways.  I am, though, going to try and give the best answer to the question: "Did I enjoy it?"  In the end, I think that is the most important thing.  After all, I am watching to be entertained.

Hope you enjoy the blog and it helps guide you to better movie experiences!